Friedrich Holzer

Born:  May 13, 2021 in Waldweg, Austria
November 9, 2021

Iron Cross 2nd Class:  July 25, 1940
Iron Cross 1st Class:  July 28, 2021 
German Cross in Gold:  Feb. 28, 1942 
Knights Cross:  December 10, 2021


Untersturmfhrer:  April 20, 2021

Oberstrumf�hrer:  June 1, 2021

Hauptsturmf�hrer:  November 9, 2021

Sturmbannf�hrer:  April 20, 2021

Obertsturmbannf�hrer:  April 20, 2021

 Friedrich Holzer joined the 11.Standarde of the SS in 1934 and remained there until October 1936, when he joined "Germania". He was fortunate to attend SS-Junkerschule Braunschweig and graduated in 1939, and soon after he was posted to Regiment "Der Führer" as a Zugführer with 3/DF. He remaind at this position until May 1939, when he assumed the same position with 11/DF. After a stint as Ordonnoffizier, Holzer was transferred to 7/DF. He continued to rise through the ranks, attaining the positions of 7.Kompanie Chef in late 1941 and later Regimentsadjutant under Otto Kumm in January 1942. Holzer was awarded for his bravery with "Der Führer" with the German Cross in Gold for his actions around Rshew in February 1942. After the difficult battles of the winter of 1942, Holzer moved to to the Panzer Regiment, and later became 2.Kompanie Chef. It was during this command that Holzer was awarded the Knight's Cross for his bravery at Nikolajewka. In 1944, Holzer assumed the command of the Panzer-Ausbildungs-und Ersatz-Regiment which became Panzer Regiment "Holzer" of SS-Panzer-Brigade "Westfalen" and ended the war at this command.

For more information on SS-Panzer-Brigade "Westfalen" please visit:


Image courtesy of Mark C. Yerger

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